You are most welcome. RCCG LIVING WORD PARISH, WORTHING is built on the tripod of insightful and undiluted teaching of God’s word; pure worship; and genuine love for one another.

Through our insightful teaching of God’s word, we aim to teach, establish and have men and women enter into the reality of his/her identity- that they are recreated in the very image of God, and are fully equipped to tackle and overcome every challenge life might throw at them. In doing this, we succeed at enriching the spiritual, mental and physical lives and health of our congregants, redirect their perception and behaviour in conformity with God’s word, and create a platform for everyone to achieve their God-given potentials.

The worship experience is aimed at creating life-changing encounters with God through worship. We are irrevocably and uncompromisingly committed to holy living. We believe that our total commitment to God unleashes the true worshippers in us.

Love, as expounded in the Holy Scriptures, is the greatest. In RCCG Living Word Parish, Worthing, we simply choose to love. The fragrance of love is spread everywhere within our worship environment and our community. We practically care for one another in every imaginable way. We have naturally evolved to become a family church, courtesy of the unfeigned love the brethren have for one another. Come, you’ll definitely feel the love.............Pastor Fidel C Nwobi


Weekly Services

Sunday School: 9.50am - 10.30am
Worship Service: 10.30am - 12 noon.
Thanksgiving Service (first Sunday of the month) 10.30am - 12 noon.


Intercessory Prayers

11.00am - 12 noon.


Bible Study: 7.00pm – 8.30pm.

Communion Service (first Friday of the month) 7.00pm – 8.30pm.

Power Night (last Friday of the month) 10.00pm – midnight.